I’m Aja Dang it’s your favorite video of the year! My 2022 money goals and financial trackers. To check out Digit, click here: https://link.digit.co/ajadang.digit ✨ 2022 is going to be a brutal year for financial savings as I’m still saving up for a home downpayment (will I ever get a house?!), still have 50% left to go to save for our wedding + my solo bachelorette party (do we still call it a party?). Anyway, it’s a lot of money and I anticipate having to cut down on some of my money goals (do I really need a $5000 bach ‘party’ lol) but it’s all in the fun of setting goals and sinking funds! I do have to say, it is pretty cool to be able to spend money on MYSELF now instead of debt. I think 2022 is the year where I might finally be able to feel the benefits of my hard work. Thanks to Digit for working with me on this video. Membership fees vary. Direct is a deposit account powered by MetaBank®, N.A., Member FDIC. More details can be found at https:/digit.co