To create a facebook business page, Go to ➜ & login to your account. Once you’re logged in, Go to Create (Plus Icon) ► Page Now under page information, enter the details about your business. Once you’ve added the details about your business page, Click ‘Create Page’. Now just add a profile picture and a cover photo to your business page & click ‘Save’. Now click ‘Edit page’ to add more details like mobile number, email, website url, location etc. Next, if you want to add a button on your page, Click ‘Add a Button’ & select the one you like. Now if you want to have a unique url instead of the default url, Click ‘Create @username’ & enter the name you want and click ‘Create’. And now your page url will be changed to the name you’ve provided. Note : it is required to have a minimum of 25 followers on your page to change the URL. So now you’ve created a business page on facebook. Next let’s see how you can create a post on your page. To create a post, Click ‘Create Post’ on your page. Now to add an image, click on the gallery icon and drag & drop the image you want. You can also give a description to your post. Once you’ve created a post, click ‘Post’. And your post will be published on your page. So this is how you can create a post on your page. Next let’s see how you can invite people to your page. You can invite people from your facebook friends, Just by clicking the ‘Invite’ button on the friends. Now if you want to know how your facebook page is performing, Go to ‘Insights’ on the left sidebar menu. Now you can find the details of the number of people who viewed your site, number of likes etc. So that’s it, guys This is how you can create a business page on facebook.