Mistake: Spending too much money That’s why my #1 piece of advice, ESPECIALLY for anyone who’s 18 to 35 years old, is to SPEND LESS THAN YOU MAKE. I know, it might be common sense to you and I…but it’s not to common sense to a LOT of people. Especially when you consider that 40% of Americans couldn’t cover an unexpected $1000 emergency. So the EASIEST way to get out of that trap, is to simply: track your spending and cut back on discretionary expenses.Second Mistake: Getting Into Consumer Debt I really believe that having ANY amount of unpaid consumer debt will grossly hinder your ability to build wealth in the future. So if at all possible, avoid consumer debt AT ALL COSTS…use it only as a LAST CASE RESORT if you literally won’t have food on the table, or there’s something that happens and there’s just no other option. Third Mistake: Lifestyle inflation This is the practice in which we make a little bit more money, and then we start spending just a little more each month. The biggest issue I’ve seen is that people get used to spending almost all the money they make, and when that happens…they almost DON’T KNOW what to do when they have money left over at the end of the month….so then, they just continue spending it. And that’s where the problem lies. Investing doesn’t need to be complicated, budgeting doesn’t need to be difficult, it’s all about learning the right financial habits early on and then sticking with them long term – and you’ll be on your way to a ton of millennial money.